Friday, March 15, 2013

Enterpreneurship Development question papers of dr mandi

NITIE, Mumbai – 87.                                                       ( For PGDIM & PM Students )

Entrepreneurship Development Elective Aug 2015 

V Module Ending Examination.    Max. Marks: 60,  Time: 3 Hours


  1. Attempt ANY   FIVE   Questions. All questions carry equal marks. Try to  attempt questions in the serial order only.

  1. In case you have any doubts regarding the Qn. Paper, make necessary assumptions and proceed. …  Write legibly..         
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Q. No. 1.    Write short note on  the following.
  1. Student Startups
  2. TiE - The Indus Entrepreneurs
  3. VCs are Vultures
  4. Lean Enterprise and   Innovation
  5. Elevator pitch for my own startup
Q. No. 2 .  As a student you started your own enterprise. Write / Draw / Design  your enterprise Product / Service brochure. Evaluate your enterprise brochure with a framework you want to pick up.
Q. No. 3. In what form ( Partnership – LLP – Ltd Co., or any other form ! )  you prefer to register your enterprise ? Give reasons why such a form is best suited to your enterprise ?
Q. No. 4.  As a student of entrepreneurship, evaluate any one of the startup cases “ Lal10 “ or “ Quifiers” .
Q. No. 5.   Explain business model of your own startup / enterprise using “ Nine  block Business Model Canvas “  ?  Elucidate your answer with examples.
Q. No. 6 .  List any Two path breaking ideas related to startup picked up from Peter Thiel ( Author of book Zero to One ) . Explain how  the listed ideas of Peter Thiel are relevant to your own startup .

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NITIE,  Mumbai – 87.
PGDIM – 18,   3rd  Module Ending Examination –
Apr. 2012    Max. Marks: 100 ;  Time: 3 Hours

  1. Attempt  any FIVE  Questions.

  1. During the examination, No provision is being made to clarify any kind of ‘DOUBTS’ regarding this question paper. In case, you have any doubt,  make necessary assumptions and proceed.  You are required to write legibly so as to score well in this exam.

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Q. No. 1.    Write short note on  the following.

  1. Copreneurs
  2. The Indus Enterpreneurs ( TiE)
  3. Angel Investors
  4. Creativity - Innovation
  5. Student Enterprising

Q. No. 2 .    Discuss the concepts Manager, Leader, and Entrepreneur with appropriate examples taken from Indian industry context ?

Q. No. 3. Discuss  ‘ Ten mistakes that the  first time entrepreneurs make ‘ shared by the founder of ‘Control Case’ . Discuss the importance of overcoming these mistakes for the first time entrepreneurs?

Q. No. 4. Discuss the entrepreneurial journey of Mr Boris M Silver - sophomore at Warton.. first time entrepreneur? What are the learnings for you from Boris journey ?  

Q. No. 5.   Discuss the relationship among the concepts “Business - Product / Service - Idea -  Technology “  in the development of  an enterprise. Discuss the implications of these concepts  with the enterprise case  ‘ Naukri.Com”.

Q. No. 6 .  Trace the evolution of  entrepreneurship  with the help of the case “ Componentica “. Identify at least  FIVE  real blocks of entrepreneur group  in the evolution of the enterprise.

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