Thursday, January 3, 2013

Student Enterprising - Concept

Student Enterprising - Concept

Concept of Student enterprising might be confusing to few people. Simply said, it means students  engaging  in enterprising. However, there are questions like How, when, what, where, and whys of student enterprising that always crop up. Here are few  simple principles that make the concept much more clearer. 

1.PLAN to do - What can be DONE by STUDENT by SELF, POTENTIAL focus 

2.ENGAGE - STUDENT SELF - Time and Energy, Student Capital , Diversity - Full and 100 % 

2.AVAIL and HARNESSED and MONETISED   - Student working on campus which is currently wasted

3.APPLY -  What all a STUDENT  HAS

4.OFFER ... What others NEED



1. PLAN to do  - What can be DONE...

The message here  is that a student need to engage in what can be done here and now basis rather than wasting time thinking of what cannot be done. It is quite possible that students might not be able to arrive at what best can be done so easily.. However, it is the process through which they will find out.


The message here is that  a student must engage oneself in what is planned to be done as enterprising. He cannot excuse himself on account of many a number of reasons saying that one cannot do  and try to pass on the enterprise mantle  to others.

The question what one can do, himself and herself can only answer. It also indicates that there is no limits what one can do.. Sky is the limit. Hence, anything and everything one can do.

This also means that there is no point in planning what one cannot do. Most of the times students plan things that they cannot do themselves and what they cannot do in present times. It might be futile for a student to focus on what cannot do himself.

Students also plan what others can do and  ignore and self neglect themselves. This way of doing  seems to be more personally convenient.

Engaging oneself in enterprising in no way undermines the role and contribution of others engagement for student enterprising.  A student in due course of time might plan to engage others in the enterprising, but at present one cannot ignore what one must do by self. 

3. APPLY -  What all a student ... HAS

Here the message is that a student must apply all that one is knowing and having. One need to know what all one has. One need to develop  competence and interest and also a need to apply  all that is there inside oneself. It is often said that there is so much with in oneself that one uses only a fraction of what one has. The more a student tries to do this more,  more and more can be applied out of oneself.

4. OFFER ... What others NEED

Student enterprising must not loose sight of the Lakshya of student enterprising. Focus of enterprising must be what others need. There is no point in enterprising what others DO NOT NEED. 


What is that student enterprising must serve ? Purpose of student enterprising is to  serve the REAL needs of the students. There are a number of needs for any given student. But the real need for a student  is to achieve  ECONOMIC  SELF RELIANCE. There is no other lakshya for any given student  except - Self reliance. This is the  lakshya even for the rich and economically well off students. 

Clearly the focus of student enterprising  must be  economic self reliance. It is the economic value creation by the student himself, by applying what one has and learned, by serving the others is the ultimate need that cannot be ignored. There is immense value when a student could achieve this even a small percentage of ones self reliance this way.

5. Why a student need to enterprise ? 

Best way to  answer this  question is to pose  a question back to those who asked this question  .. Why not ? Enterprising by the students has many advantages. Some of them are:

1.  Students time is used well and not wasted: Student  time is used productively. It will enhance students' learning.

2. Students gain better academic grades due to this. Some academic colleges award better grades to those students who enterprise. Such colleges consider enterprising as exam.  Enterprising is considered as an alternate  method of learning.

3. Student can also make some money due to enterprising. This is the most important thing I consder. Many people do not pay attention to this aspect - economic self reliance. I argue that education must promote economic self reliance of the students as sole objective. This rule might apply to not only to poor but rich students too.

4. In case, students  pick up their  enterprise idea  directly related to their academic studies, they benefit much more. In such a case, enterprising is nothing but putting to practice what they are studying in the college. In reality, students must be encouraged to enterprise only that which they are pursuing as part of academics. In other words, students should not be encouraged to pursue enterprising  that they are not pursuing as part of their academics.

6. Student Startups - Some questions? 

FALSE Statements:
- Student startups lead to divided attention of students. Dissipated attention will spoil both education and earning and career
- Student startups flouts the rule - Play while you Play and Work while you Work 
- Purpose of student startups is High achievement hence needs higher attention
- Student startups need lot of support, facilities and push 
- Student startups are risky.
- Startups by  Students is too early. Startups must be done by  mid age around 30 yrs
- Student enterprises is WRONG. . Either Students or  Enterrpreneurs  is RIGHT .. It is wrong to have students for being BOTH.
- Student entrepreneurship will help those students who are entrepreneurial and or having enterprising inclinations. But do not help ( ruin  / damage !) all those who dont have such inclinations.
TRUE Statements:
- Student startup ideas are usually picked up from academic experience .. hence they dont succeed. True entrepreneurs pick up ideas from Mandi.. 


Student startups at  NITIE are..

-  1. NOT Aimed at those students who are talented, keen and interested to become enterpreneurs .. It is for all and every student.. not focused on any specific student... ADMISSION 

- 2. NO EXTRA EFFORT and EXTRA INPUTS except what is given in regular curricula at NITIE ONLY... THROUGH PUT PROCESS

- 3. Outcome of this is NOT to make enterpreneurs .. job givers .. OUTCOME of it.. 

 AND  ..

...  1. LEARNING Focus - Better and MORE during the studies by application of what is learning . 



... 4. SELF RELIANCE focus . Make little earning.... in learning, through learning and for learning - atleast 10 % program cost is retrieved in the learning 

STUDENT START UPS.. How it work at NITIE ! 


1. MANDI field experiment........................................................0.5 credit 

2. Winter Project  - I Year End .................................................  Non Credits 

3. Summer Project  - I Year End ................................................. 3 credits 

4. Student Startup .. 6 Modules @ 6 Courses = 36 courses .. for each course one startup related project.. 56 projects ...................................................................... 36 credits 

5. Ent. Dev. Course  ..  ................................................................... 3 credits 

6. Final Project  / FIELD PROJECT ............................................. 9 credits / 3 credits 


7. Empresario E Cell competitions .. Navkriti 

8. Case study competitions - By Corporates 

9. Samsmaran - Allumni projects 

10. Defered Placement Opportunity 

11. Allumni investment Opportuntties 

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