Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Corporate Enterpreneurship .. How Sorry !

Corporate Entrepreneurship or Missed Entrepreneurship  Opportunity : Story of a typical MBA  recruit !

1. This is a student who is just passing out, circa Feb 2020 !  Two more months to pass out .

Got placed for Rs 20  Odd lakhs . In a reputed company . The job title  offered is Enterpreneur In Residence ( EIR  ! ) . Seems new job title . Yes it is new job title.  Need to join in the job in the next two months or so !  By April end or so !

Student started thinking of future.. Will he be successful in the role of EIR !

The job involves, one to undertake an enterprise as part of the initial working in the company. Employer will offer needed resources for starting  the enterprise . But the idea must come from the recruit ! It is the responsibility of the student to implement the enterprise as part of the company . The name of the job is.. Corporate Entrepreneurship ! 



2.  Student called   the faculty  and sought the faculty  help . ! Student had two more months of time to join the company . But already he has started to think of his future job and the work  ! What is the idea to start ! If the idea is not good , then what will happen to him  ! Will the company continue the job of EIR  or ask  him to leave ?

3. The student earlier has done Enterpreneurship  course  with me. Students has not done anything significant in the course. When I asked why your work is  not noticed as part of entrp course ,  there is almost No response ! I was fearful to tell that I m interested . !

4.  Student tells ,, earlier some work is done in enterpreneurshp. developed a product and also sold in the market . there was a partner and enterprise was run in the name of partner.  Student claims that there  was capital share in the firm. but it was informal.

5. Wants to know how to register the firm ?
This is typical story of a MBA.. Companies offer jobs to the enterprising students . What is needed is that they need to carry out enterprising for the employers !

If the recruits need to  launch an enterprise .. then ..

1. Why not they do this on their own ?
2. Why they should do it as part of the enterprise !
3. How to do the same if the students want to do on their own rather than taking shelter with an employer ?
4. How come a recruit who can run the company for a company but cannot run his/ her own enterprise ?
5. What is the strategy of company to offer EIR jobs.. rather than typical jobs !  Why it is done ? What is the advantage to the company ? What is the advantage to the student ?
