Triangular Studios - Praful Lakhe - Student Company
1. My introduciton of Triangular Studios to Srini :
I fell proud to introduce Prafull Lakhe.. IM 21 student ( in final year . passing out in April 2016)..
dr mandi
2. SRINI writes how I could help Triangular Studios :
4. Dr Mandi post to SRINI and PRAFUL
2. He also shared his proposal for
investments. if you are interested and it any other person is interested
please connect them to . Request you to bless them if investment does
not come from your side . No issues .
3. I strongly
believe that there are some Face book and whats app companies come from
my students. I hold to this belief and working .
Any help you need on this.. please let me know .
Regards .. dr mandi
1. My introduciton of Triangular Studios to Srini :
I fell proud to introduce Prafull Lakhe.. IM 21 student ( in final year . passing out in April 2016)..
- He has already developed a unique product along with two other like minded IIT students .
They incorporated their enterprise.
Thy are being incubated at IIT - SINE..
-- Lakje has big plans in store.
wish depending upon your response he will respond.. I leave both nitie
allumni.. Senior like you and my current students to you. You decide
what is in store for u.
All the best for both you .
Attn. Srini Madala is very senior student .. and established entrepreneur in USA.
Hope you both will correspond each other.
regards.. and love.
2. SRINI writes how I could help Triangular Studios :
Hello Dr. Prasad and the team,
Let me know how I could help.
3. Praful Lakhe Writes to SRINI:
Thank you Prasad Sir. + Srini Sir,
Triangular studios is a company formed by IIT Bombay and NITIE students. We are a help-solutions provider for smartphone apps. Our product, Tute-Easy
is a platform for creating and sharing smartphone tutorials and
walkthroughs to help senior and rural Indians master the smartphone. Our
tutorials are highly localized in terms of language and cultural
metaphors for better understanding.
engage and help individuals through our app and website and also
provide help solutions to appmakers for quicker customer on-boarding.
Both users and app-makers benefit from Tute-Easy:
-We help and motivate our users to explore and use their smartphones.
-We help app-makers improve their usage performance and conversion rates.
While we are beginning operations just in India, we will expand internationally to other developing geographies within a year.
The product is currently a private beta. You can view the product demo here:
Product website:
We are currently incubated at SINE, IIT Bombay and have raised a seed fund of INR 5 Lacs. We are actively seeking an investment of INR 75 Lacs (~$120K) for development, content creation and marketing. Please find the investment attached herewith.
Praful Lakhe
Co-Founder & CBO
Triangular Studios4. Dr Mandi post to SRINI and PRAFUL
1. See my current student
Praful Lakhe and his proposal. Praful Lakhe is final year student. He
is passing out in June 2016.. He already got placement with good
company. His commitment to enterprise 100 % . He also got incubation at
SINE - IIT B . Product is made, Organisation is made..Enterprenerus
confidently ready !