Monday, November 9, 2015

Student Preneurship :

One shot and Two birds:  Student Preneurship - An Innovative pedagogy for achieving 

Student Preneurship.. is innovative pedagogy. It is a new way of solving the old and perennial problems. SP is the emergent learnuing  method when entrepreneurship is embedded with academic learning. The positive thing about this  method is that it  helps  to achieve certain perennial problems  related to  education - educational excellence, making education affordable, making all and or most of the students enterprising, making the learning interesting and engaging etc.

Student Preneurship  is NOT ! 

There is danger that student  preneurship may be mistaken to be enterprising . But it is not.. 

(1 ) It is not extra curricular activity - Students engaging in enterprising activities out of their personal  interest . Ex. Michell Dell

( 2 ) It is not students who leave the academic studies and become entrepreneurs. Example ,.. Biill Gates

( 3 ) It is also not students  becoming entrepreneurs after their graduate studies.

(4 )  Entrepreneurship education  , Enterprise Education. It is nothing to do with  Entrepreneurship.
 It is not the education to  making students as entrepreneurs. If and in case, students turn in to entrepreneurs, it  is only incidental and by product . Of course, Student Preneurship avails fully Startup and Entrepreneurship as pedagogy / the method of learning .

What is  Student Preneurship  is .... ! 

- Student enterprising is a pedagogy ,  a chosen way of learning  method which is  part of academic curriculum and the students are imparted  academic studies in student preneurship way.

- Student Preneurship method assesses  the students learning  and includes the same  while awarding academic grades

- There is clear provision is made in the curriculum for practice of student enterprising similar to any other and all other learning activities like field work, assignments, lab work etc.
Definition of  Student Enterprising is .... ! 

- Student enterprising is a pedagogy ,  a chosen way of learning  method which is  part of academic curriculum

Why  of Student Enterprising? 

Conventional methods of learning has not yet achieved 100 % of Educational Excellence .

Same way, current pedagogical models used to teach entrepreneurship has not yielded any results .

The mistake done by the academics is.. They are trying to achieve both the things i.e.,  educational excellence and entrepreneurship separately.  This is the clearly mistake. If both the objectives are tried to achieve in unison, it is much easier, cheaper and certain to achieve both the objectives.

Academics cannot imagine a UNIFIED solution, hitting two birds in one shot . They are habituated  to use two shots to hit two birds ! They are paid for shoot wise, Fir not hitting the birds ! Even if they do not hit the birds, academics get their payments with out stoppage !

Purposes of Student Enterprising: 

( 1 ) Aim is to achieve Excellence in  Learning
( 2 ) Aim is to make  education affordable  to One and All
( 3 )  To develop a learning method which can help to impart 100 percent of people education..
( 4 ) Education must Economically Self supporting the learning .

Please note that the purpose of " Student Preneurship " is not Entrepreneurship and it is not Entrepreneurship Education that is trying to  make students as entrepreneurs. Students turning in to entrepreneurs is only incidental./ by product . Of course, Student Presneurship avails fully Startup and Entrepreneurship as pedagogy / the method of learning .

Using entrepreneurship for different purpose 

Yes.. Enterpreneruship is one of the wonderful things for human to engage in. Enterpreneurship need not be exclusively used  for Enterpreneruship alone It can be used for some other alternate  purpose too.. . It is intelligent ( innovative ) way of using one available method for some other thing for which it is not intended for ! Yes.I feel It is nothing wrong to use one thing for some other different thing ! It is not crime ! In reality it is innovative way of using . 

Art of  Student Preneurship - How to make it possible !

Student Preneurship is not readily available ! It need to be made by the academics suitable for them. Hence it is called ART of Student Preneurship.

Success of Student Preneurship depends how the academics  embed  the enterpreneruship as part of curricular learning. The success of Student Preneurship is MADE IT and made  FEASIBLE by the academic designers. It does not exist. It is invented.

Towards this, Student Preneurship
- Entrepreneurship as given might not fit in to academic learning.  So there is need to trimmed, scaled down,  twisted and turned so that  entrepreneurship  exactly fits into the academic learning context. It is the crucial thing.

- Care must be taken to choose an entrepreneurial activity which is fully  in tune with / consonance with the academic studies . Greater the consonance , larger the success of student preneurship. Chosen enterprise activity must aid, and boost academic learning. At the same time, it can avail and leverage  all the given positives of academic context.

-  Care must be taken to see that chosen entrepreneurial activity must be matching with the learners tastes / learners age / confidence levels, and competence etc.

-  All entrepreneurial activities may not be chew able and munch able by the student learners. All such activities need to be resized, size up, modified, mend it,  re caste it, tinkered to make them chew able, and munch able .

Aaj ka padai ka karcha, Aaj ka padai se, Aaj hee kamana !

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Traingular Studios - Praful Lakhe student company

Triangular Studios - Praful Lakhe - Student Company

1. My introduciton of Triangular Studios to Srini : 

I fell proud to introduce Prafull Lakhe.. IM 21 student ( in final year . passing out in April 2016)..

- He has already developed a unique  product along with two other like minded IIT students . 
They incorporated their enterprise. 

Thy are being incubated at IIT - SINE..

-- Lakje has big plans in store.

I wish depending upon your response he will respond.. I leave both nitie allumni.. Senior like you  and my current students to you. You decide what is in store for u. 

All the best for both you .

Attn. Srini Madala is very senior student .. and established entrepreneur in USA. 

Hope you both will correspond each other. 

regards.. and love. 

dr mandi

2. SRINI writes how I could help Triangular Studios : 

Hello Dr. Prasad and the team,
Let me know how I could help.
3. Praful Lakhe Writes to SRINI: 

Thank you Prasad Sir.  +  Srini Sir, 

Triangular studios is a company formed by IIT Bombay and NITIE students. We are a help-solutions provider for smartphone apps. Our product, Tute-Easy is a platform for creating and sharing smartphone tutorials and walkthroughs to help senior and rural Indians master the smartphone. Our tutorials are highly localized in terms of language and cultural metaphors for better understanding.
We engage and help individuals through our app and website and also provide help solutions to appmakers for quicker customer on-boarding. Both users and app-makers benefit from Tute-Easy:
-We help and motivate our users to explore and use their smartphones.  
-We help app-makers improve their usage performance and conversion rates.
While we are beginning operations just in India, we will expand internationally to other developing geographies within a year.  

The product is currently a private beta. You can view the product demo here:
Product website: 

We are currently incubated at SINE, IIT Bombay and have raised a seed fund of INR 5 Lacs. We are actively seeking an investment of INR 75 Lacs (~$120K) for development, content creation and marketing. Please find the investment attached herewith.

Praful Lakhe
Co-Founder & CBO
Triangular Studios

4. Dr Mandi post to SRINI and PRAFUL  

1. See my current student Praful Lakhe and his proposal. Praful  Lakhe is final year student. He is passing out  in June 2016.. He already got placement with good company. His commitment to enterprise 100 % . He also got incubation at  SINE -  IIT B .  Product is made, Organisation is made..Enterprenerus confidently ready !
2. He also shared his proposal for investments. if you are interested and it any other person is interested please connect them to . Request you to bless them if investment does not come from your side . No issues .
3. I strongly believe that there are some Face book and whats app companies come from my students. I hold to this belief and working .
Any help you need on this.. please let me know .
Regards .. dr mandi