you want to experience entrepreneurship ? Here is an opportunity !
The Entrepreneurship Workshop is
designed for people who
- are interested to know and understand enterpreneurship
- want to start a new venture in future
The Workshop is organized for meet 8 meetings over a nine-week period. Sessions are conducted in a classroom
environment and field work.
Workshop provides a process for starting a business that enhances the
chances for success. The process includes four stages through which an
entrepreneur should proceed in order to start and operate a business.
These stages include: 1) Opportunity, 2) Launch, 3) Growth, and 4) Harvest. Each stage includes a number of activities that must be
1. Opportunity stage activities include:
a. determining some ideas
b. selecting an idea to pursue
c. consideration of the type of business
2. Launch stage activities include:
a. attracting stakeholders and resources
b. completing business planning activities
c. determining legal form for the organization
d. consideration of tax issues
e. finding ways to finance the company
3. Growth stage activities include:
a. managing the growth of the company so it proceeds at an appropriate profitable pace
4. Harvest (exit) stage activities include:
a. selling the company
b. going public
c. using the “entity” as a cash cow
d. avoiding liquidation or bankruptcy
1. What is Enterpreneurship ? activities include:
a. !
b. !
c. !
2. How to organise and conduct enterpreneurship ?
a. !
b. !
c. !
3. What / where are the enterpreneurship opportuntieis ?
a. !
b. !
c. !
4. How to launch an enterprise / startup ?
a. !
b. !
c. !
Entrepreneur Workshop - Dates and Agenda:
Session 1 – Thursday, September 19, 2013: Entrepreneurial Process
Session 2 – Thursday, September 26, 2013: Define and Analyze Ventures
Session 3 – Thursday, October 3, 2013: Attracting Stakeholders and Resources
Session 4 – Thursday, October 10, 2013: Business Planning
Session 5 – Thursday, October 24, 2013: Legal Organization Structures, Intellectual Property, and Corporate Governance
Session 6 – Thursday, October 31, 2013: Funding Sources: Friends and Family, Angels, VCs
Session 7 – Thursday, November 7, 2013: Growing the Business
Session 8 – Thursday, November 14, 2013: Harvesting the Value
Workshop Fees (includes all sessions and course materials)
General Admission: $295
Current Rice University Faculty, Staff or Student (with valid Rice email address): $195
Current Rice University Faculty, Staff or Student (with valid Rice email address): $195
All classes are held from 4:00-6:00pm in McNair Hall at Rice University
Class size is limited to first 60 registrants
individual sessions will include the use of many case examples.
Attendees will be exposed to examples of what worked well for
entrepreneurs that succeeded and what did not work well for
entrepreneurs that failed. The class is designed to have a high degree
of interaction among the participants as well as with the instructors.