Entrepreneurship Development Course
@ NITIE I Year Students 2012 - 13
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Welcome to Entrepreneurship Development (ED) Elective course 2012 – 13 ! Purpose of this blog is to clarify
few things regarding the elective – ED.
This course NOT focused for .... listening, knowing, understanding and researching. These things may be done as part of the course but these are NOT the FOCUS of the course.
Focus of this course is DOING, EXPERIENCING the ENTERPRISING in the form of business activities.
Learning is essentially imparted through the mode of a START UP . Students are assigned to launch their own startup during the course.
ED course will be taught in practical style. There will be less number of theory classes as part of the course. Belief here is that every student who came to the level of PG has had enough of theory and no practical exposure to the extent minimum that is desired is provided as part of curricular learning. Immediate need is to drive the students to practical exposure. Students will be assigned to practice entrepreneurship rather than listen to the entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs. The aim of the course is to give the opportunity to the students to realize their entrepreneurial abilities through PRACTICE.
Focus of this course is DOING, EXPERIENCING the ENTERPRISING in the form of business activities.
Learning is essentially imparted through the mode of a START UP . Students are assigned to launch their own startup during the course.
ED course will be taught in practical style. There will be less number of theory classes as part of the course. Belief here is that every student who came to the level of PG has had enough of theory and no practical exposure to the extent minimum that is desired is provided as part of curricular learning. Immediate need is to drive the students to practical exposure. Students will be assigned to practice entrepreneurship rather than listen to the entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs. The aim of the course is to give the opportunity to the students to realize their entrepreneurial abilities through PRACTICE.
Extent of practice of ‘Entrepreneurship’ by the Students
will be criteria to assess the
scholastic achievement of the students. Focus is not on the knowledge acquisition
rather on the application and value creation.
Co curricular:
additional feature of this course is that students will be arranged to interact
with a group of NITIE Alumni Entrepreneurs
( On line and Offline ) so as to get mentoring and guidance. You can visit the group by visiting the face
book page.. https://www.facebook.com/groups/106009326233297/
General suggestions :
are encouraged to enroll in small
teams ( 2 or 3, Mix of boys and girls )
rather than individuals. The course encourage
and assign the students to work in small teams so as to launch their own
enterprises and run them . If the students join as small teams, it will facilitate. Let me share that the course learning and teaching
strongly discourages the students to work as Individuals. NITIE Students
are allowed and encouraged to pick up student business partners ( boys and girls ! ) belonging to other
colleges too.
To facilitate student enterprising @ NITIE, there is an attempt to develop NITIE Alumni Venture Fund .. This fund is
Private Equity firm and try to invest in student enterprises. There is already
informal network of NITIE alumni who are aspiring to invest in select
Special benefits due to pursuing the
course: Students who
take this course are benefited beyond the mere learning and grades.
Students who take this course will end up with
an enterprise of their own by the end of the course.
Students if they are willing, continue to work on their enterprise further in to their summer internships ( Mar – July ) immediately following this course. As you are aware NITIE encourages the students to work on their own enterprises as summer projects and award necessary academic credits to the students. Again, students continue to work on their enterprises is absolutely OPTIONAL. There is no compulsion of what so ever.
Students if they are willing, continue to work on their enterprise further in to their summer internships ( Mar – July ) immediately following this course. As you are aware NITIE encourages the students to work on their own enterprises as summer projects and award necessary academic credits to the students. Again, students continue to work on their enterprises is absolutely OPTIONAL. There is no compulsion of what so ever.
who take this course may get an opportunity to further continue to work on
their enterprise even during their second year of their academic pursuit at
NITIE. It is important to recognize that students can concurrently work on
their enterprise and at the same time they can pursue their academic pursuit,
make use of the enterprise experience to submit various academic assignments
during second year of study.
this course also provide an opportunity to the students to apply their theoretical learning in their
enterprise and test the validity and relevance of their theoretical leanings.
ED course is NO way against the PLACEMENT..
Rather it enhances the placement opportunities for the students.
Let the students be reminded that
Best Recruiting Companies look for people who have demonstrated their enterprising competence in concrete terms rather than those employees who only talk about enterprising .
Let the students be reminded that
Best Recruiting Companies look for people who have demonstrated their enterprising competence in concrete terms rather than those employees who only talk about enterprising .
Finally, this course will be useful to those
who aspire to become entrepreneurs some time in future. In reality, course pursuit will reduce the overall time taken for any student
to become an entrepreneur.
It will be my pleasure to clarify
if any doubts the students have regarding the course. Write to – nitieprasad@gmail.com … mobile. 09869464525
Dr T Prasad